Uploading Multimedia Documents to an Item

Use multimedia documents to enhance the description of items. Use the dashboard area to upload multimedia documents to the items that you can access.

Note: You can use multimedia documents with the same file name for items that belong to different categories.

1.Click Open my dashboard.

   The Dashboard area opens.

2.In the Catalogs area, under the required catalog, click the Edit catalog items link.

   All the items that belong to the selected catalog appear in the Item List.

3.Select the item to which you want to upload the multimedia document.

The item details appear in the Detail view.

4.On the Media tab, click Add Media Attachment.

The Add media attachment dialog box appears.

5.Specify the type of the multimedia document that you plan to upload.
6.Specify the priority that indicates the number of multimedia documents you can upload.
7.Specify the language of the multimedia document.
8.To select the multimedia document, perform one of the following tasks:
If you know the document identifier number of an available multimedia document, specify the document identifier number, and click OK.
Click the here link.

        On the Product 360 Web page, perform one of the following tasks:

To attach an available multimedia document, select the required document from the Item List, click Ok and close the browser, and click OK.
To upload a new multimedia document, perform the following tasks:
i.Click Upload document.

                   The Upload document dialog box appears.

ii.Browse to the multimedia document to upload and click Start upload.
iii.Click Close.

                   The uploaded multimedia document appears in the Item List.

iv.Select the multimedia document you uploaded, and click Ok and close browser window.
v.Click OK.